





Shan-tzu No. 2423 Precedent made by the Supreme Court in 1942 stated, “The statement made by one of the joint-defendants against himself / herself is eligible to serve as the evidence related to the criminal facts in which other joint-defendants are involved. According to Paragraph 2, Article 270 of Criminal Procedure Code, however, the aforesaid unfavorable statement has to be investigated together with all other evidence in order to determine whether it conforms to the facts. The aforesaid statement alone shall not be construed as the sole basis on which other joint-defendants are pronounced guilty.” According to tai-shan-tzu No. 419 Precedent made in 1957, “The statement made by one of the joint-defendants against himself / herself is eligible to serve as the evidence related to the criminal facts in which other joint-defendants are involved, provided that the aforesaid statement is not construed as the sole basis on which other joint-defendants are pronounced guilty, unless the aforesaid statement is found flawless and, based on all investigations, is consistent with the facts.” Both precedents mentioned above assumed that the statement made by one of the joint-defendants against himself / herself is eligible to serve as the evidence related to the criminal facts in which other joint-defendants are involved (fact-based conviction), and assumed that, according to Paragraph 2, Article 270 of the previously effective Criminal Procedure Code (same as Paragraph 2, Article 156 of the Code as amended and promulgated in 1967), the aforesaid unfavorable statement has to be investigated together with all other evidence. In other words, both precedents had groundlessly construed the statement made by one of the joint-defendants against himself / herself as a confession made by the defendants themselves (i.e. the other joint-defendants mentioned in both precedents), and construed the statement made by one of the joint- defendants against himself / herself as the evidence against other joint-defendants. For other joint-defendants, both precedents were not only unable to differentiate a statement made in the court from a statement made outside the court, but also denied a joint-defendant’s statutory qualification of witness in the trial for other joint-defendants, thus excluding the due process in which a joint-defendant may elect to act as a witness. Both precedents are therefore in breach of the requirements stated in Article 273 of the Criminal Procedure Code amended and promulgated on January 1, 1935 and unjustly reprieve other joint-defendants of the right to cross-examine the joint-defendant who has the statutory qualification of witness. Apparently, both precedents are inconsistent with the constitutional intent stated above. Therefore, both precedents and all other precedents having same virtualization and assumptions (e.g. shn-tzu No. 1875 Precedent made in 1931, hue-te-hu-tzu No. 29 Precedent made in 1949, and tai-shan-tzu No. 1578 Precedent made in 1958 by Supreme Court) do not conform to the intent stated above and shall cease to be quoted and applied.