





一、 國小高年級創造思考色彩教學課程應著重主題式的教學活動,選用符合學童生活經驗之相關色彩教學內容,透過小組討論方式進行教學,並以多元評量方式評定學習成果。


二、 創造思考色彩教學課程能有效增進學童的知識與技能,在色彩使用成就感、色彩興趣及用色自信度等各方面皆有提升,對課程亦抱持正面態度。


三、 研究者於研究過程中,學得創造思考教學模式應視學童的情況與需求彈性應用,同時習得課程設計能力與教學知能,獲得自我省思與專業成長。




An action study on improving the thinking abilities of elementary school’s higher-grade students through a creative color-teaching program




This study attempted to improve the effectiveness of color-teaching program designed for the elementary school’s higher-grade students using creative thinking method and meanwhile analyzed the students’ improvement of cognition, affection, and skills after the conclusion of action-teaching program, thus identifying the criticisms and growths of the teachers involved in the action-teaching program. Using action research method, this study observed an elementary school’s 5th-grade students who completed a six-week (totaling 24 hours) action-teaching program. The curriculum was designed based on Chen, Lung-an’s ATDE Love Creative-Thinking Teaching Model as well as Williams’ Cognitive Creation and Affectionate Creative-Thinking Teaching Strategy. Several teaching methods were adopted by teachers, such as group discussion competition, individual creation presentations, and practical applications. This study gathered quantitative data primarily through Color Knowledge Quiz, Color-Matching Score Sheet, and Color-Learning Feedback Sheet, as well as qualitative data through Teachers’ Teaching Record Criticism Sheet, Teachers’ Interview Record, and Students’ Interview Record. Research results are summarized as follows:


1. The creative color-teaching program for elementary school’s higher-grade students has to concentrate on thematic activities with emphasis on the colors related to the students’ daily lives. Group discussions should be adopted by teachers, and the effectiveness of learning should be evaluated using multiple assessment method.


2. Creative color-teaching program is designed to help students improve their knowledge and skills, especially their sense of accomplishment associated with their use of colors and their interest in the colors as well as their confidence in the use of colors, thus allowing students to maintain a positive attitude towards the curriculum.


3. During the research process, the author learned how to apply creative-thinking teaching model according to the students’ conditions and their demand elasticity. As a result, the author developed his curriculum design ability as well as his knowledge and skills as a teacher. In short, the research process gave the author an opportunity for self-criticism, thus helping the author to move one step further in his career.


Key words: color-teaching, creative-thinking teaching method, color-matching criteria.